Mar 26RED SAND (KAIHALULU) BEACH--MAUIShort stroll to this pristine unique colored formed from the remnants of volcanic cinder cone. Clothing optional.
Mar 26WAI'ANAPANAPA STATE PARK--MAUIPopular stop and campgrounds along the Road to Hana with sights including a black sand beach, sea caves, a coastal trail, and more.
Mar 26QUEEN'S BATH--KAUA'IShort and slippery stroll will get you to these picturesque and swimmable tide pools with a great chance of seeing a turtle or two.
Mar 26ACID WAR ZONE TRAIL to NAKALELE BLOWHOLE--MAUIRocky coastal trail to powerful blowhole and famous "heart-shaped rock." Instagram post required.
Mar 16HOAPILI TRAIL and THE KING's HIGHWAY--MAUITake a walk through history rugged lava fields along this coastal trail and man-made highway. Don't forget your sunscreen.
Sep 1, 2023PU'U PEHE (SWEETHEART ROCK)--LANA'IShort stroll from the Four Seasons to this lovely sea cliff, overlooking Lanai's southern coast. A romantic hike for sunrise or sunset.