Difficulty: BEGINNER
Time: 1-1.5 HOURS from Golf Course
Distance: 2 MILES
Elevation Gain: 700 FEET
Foot Traffic: LOW
Challenges: Muddy, Wet and slippery road, Wet rock scrambling and stream crossing
Sighs: Twin Pali Falls, Windward Side, Old Pali Road, Likeke Falls
What to Bring: Water, Towel, Slippers to Change into, Rain Jacket (likely)
Only visible after heavy rain, getting to this double waterfall requires a quick hike along Old Pali Road. You can begin the hike from two locations, a short hike from the Ko'olau Golf Club and an even shorter hike from the Pali Lookout. Better bring your camera (and probably a rain jacket) when you experience these unique and beautiful falls. It is definitely one of those photogenic Oahu gems.
The rainy weather just won't stop. Last weekend was filled with thunderstorms and terrential downpour making it practically impossible to do anything outdoors (although I did sneak in one waterfall hike). The new week didn't bring better weather, with cloudy skies and rain everyday. Once Friday rolled around, I was antsy to get outside, regardless of the weather. As I made my way back home from work along the H3 Highway, I noticed a lapse in the rain. Given how much it had rained, I had a feeling that the Twin Pali Falls, a sweet double waterfall that is only visible after heavy rain, were probably flowing. My gut proved right.

I began my hike from the Ko'olau Golf Course. You can also get to these falls from the Pali Lookout, which is an extremely short hike (15-20 minutes). My goal was to get some exercise, so I chose the longer option. But you can check out my post about Likeke Falls, which will help guide you to Twin Pali Falls from that location.

Speaking of Likeke Falls, let's go there first! It's so close to the golf course why not! So if you happen to be reading this post in its entirety, you get a bonus waterfall. Park at the edge of the lot at the country club. If you look toward the mountains, the road will continue to this roped off section. Go this way.

And you will come to this painted water structure.

Look left and you will see a trailhead. Enter here.

On the way to Likeke, there's a brief opening in the trees that will give you a glimpse of the Ko'olau Range. If you look closely, you can see a little hole in the ridgeline. That is Pali Puka, an awesome short ridge hike near the Pali Lookout. Today, however, would probably not be the best day for it...

Back to finding Likeke. The trail will be a bit muddy, but you can usually navigate your way around the larger puddles.

After walking for 5-10 minutes you will hit a "cobblestone" road. There's an opening in the trees on the right. Go this way.

And after a short walk, you will arrive at Likeke Falls! The flow of these falls vary significantly based on rain, but today it was flowing nicely. I took a few minutes to snap a few pics and take in that soothing sound of flowing water. I had the entire waterfall to myself, making the moment even more special.

Back to the real reason we're here, Twin Pali Falls! From the Ko'olau parking lot, you should see this opening in the grass to the left of a tree, just beyond the stop sign at the far end of the parking lot. Head that way.

After a short descent you will arrive at Old Pali Road. Head right and uphill along the road.

Most of this hike is an ascent up Old Pali Road. I guess this isn't your traditional hike since it is paved. But given how slippery the road can get after rain, I think it qualifies.

There are a couple openings in the trees that give you a view of the Ko'olaus. Unfortunately, it was far too cloudy to see anything, but I assure you, there are waterfalls up there.

You will hit one fork in the road. The path up to Twin Pali is to the right.

Keep a look out for this tree that is dressed up like a bird. It always makes me chuckle when I see it. I believe it has had a wardrobe change since last time I was here.

At some point, you will begin hiking underneath the (New) Pali Highway. I find this to be a unique aspect of this hike. Although the graffiti on that pillar is a bit creepy...

After ascending a bit more, you will become level with the highway. You must cross underneath it as you hear the sounds of cars rushing overhead.

Which will lead you to this nicely placed ladder. Climb up it.

And if you turn around you will be eye level with the highway. I always wonder if I surprise some of the drivers when the see me pop out from underneath the highway.

After climbing the ladder, head right, and continue strolling along the paved road.

The road will open up and if it's been raining enough, you should see half of the Twin Pali Falls. Let's go in for a closer look shall we?

Looks like some people had the same idea as me this Friday afternoon.

Getting to the base of the falls is a little tricky. You will need to hop on some wet rocks and very likely get your feet wet.

But it is totally worth it to get a glimpse at this beauty. So unique the way the falls split around that peak. It is a prime spot for some photoshoots (like these two were doing).

I decided to get some privacy and make my way to the base where I sat and meditated, listening to sound of both falls flowing beside me. Such an amazing place to decompress from the week and prepare myself to embrace the weekend.

With all the rain and clouds we've had, it really has the potential to bring down your mood. But I always try to remind myself that the rain is necessary. Necessary to bring about life. And necessary to create special places like this.
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- Hik3beasthawaii's post about this hike